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Wednesday, 11 April 2012

China,Tiwan Partnership with Africa-Kenya

African countries’ partnership with Eastern countries


For quite a long time, African countries and Kenya in particular has been relying on the western countries for aid and development partnerships. Most of these Western countries except the US were the economic and political colonizers of the African continent and since the attaining of free rule, the countries continued to majorly influence most of the operations in their former colonies. This led to over reliance in heir support and economic aid for development which had been pinned to economic and political influence.

Notably, the US has also been active in this under hand manipulation. This has been witnessed through its budgetary influence on United Nations and the World Bank More over, since inception it has been the prerogative of the US to appoint the highly influential World Bank president, though the recent competition being witnessed in appointing the new president is commendable.

There is a mega shift in the aid and development partnership towards the Eastern countries which is a good move. Notably, China has been in the fore front to offer financial subsidies to the Chinese companies in facilitating their imports from the east African countries such as Kenya. The subsidies are covering commodities such as coffee, tea and flowers. Also Kenyan exporters and companies have been granted free exhibition spaces at trade fairs in China increasing visibility of Kenyan goods and services. This is quite encouraging in closing the gap on foreign trade imbalances.

In an interview with the Business Daily, the former Chinese ambassador to Kenya, Mr Deng Hongbo noted the China-Kenya tourism ties which have significantly addressed trade imbalances. With more, foreign reserves, it is easier to control external inflation pressures.

Remarkably, China has supported a number of infrastructural development projects in Kenya. Evidently, the transport sector has largely benefited from modern road network courtesy of the Chinese construction companies. The Kenyan airports are also major beneficiaries of this new found partnership.

Taiwan is another country fostering the mutual development in Africa. This is an emerging economy whose association will be an impetus to Kenya’s development especially in the tourism, education and industrial sectors. Modern technology products such as electronics from Taiwan are becoming a key feature in the Kenyan market. The support being accorded to the Kenyan youth through Youth Alive Kenya by Taiwan foundation for Democracy is commendable. Remarkably, democracy is the back borne of human development and the youth being at the center and periphery of development, this assistance will play a pivotal role in the lives of many.

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